Welcoming Students Back With Freshers Week Catering From Hog Roast Fingringhoe

Hog Roast FingringhoeIt might seem unlikely that a university club would be able to come to a high-quality caterer like Hog Roast Fingringhoe on their modest budgets, but our services are designed to be flexible and affordable on price meaning we can help out our students just as much as we help out our corporate and private clients. From time to time we’ll get a call from one of our local uni clubs looking for catering, and we are of course always more than happy to help regardless of their budget.

We fielded one such call with a well-established society this past freshers week. Freshers week is a hectic week of activities for students and is where societies will bring in the majority of their members for the year, but with a lot of noise out there it takes some work to cut above and stand out. To call Hog Roast Fingringhoe and employ our catering was therefore an ingenious idea by this society, because if there is one thing that entices in students it is free food!

Hog Roast FingringhoeTo welcome in all of the students that they spoke to at their society fair, the club ran a social event that evening with the addition of our catering. The event was designed to be a taster of what the society does, and afterwards attending students would be able to enjoy a Hog Roast Fingringhoe buffet while mingling and getting to know each other. To accommodate the expected numbers our chefs had one hog roast and one beef roast available in the buffet, or our barbecue pulled jackfruit and veg and halloumi skewers as a vegan and veggie alternative to go along with our many fresh salads and sides too. The allure of free food clearly worked as almost all of our food was mopped up by the attending students. For our money that means the event and our catering was clearly a success!

It might not be freshers week anymore, but if you do run a university society or a sports club then Hog Roast Fingringhoe could still help out one of your events through the rest of the year, so simply give us a call or a message on social media today!