Hog Roast Dengie – Excited to Almost Be Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Service

Throughout the last year we here at Hog Roast Dengie have felt the hardships much like anyone else, and we’ve missed seeing everyone and providing brilliant catered foods to you all at our great parties, celebrations and events oh so much – it is our main pride and joy after all seeing our happy customers enjoy a fine dish of our delicious roasts! But we’re proud of ourselves and we’re proud of you all for managing to endure, and we cannot wait to get back into the marquee tents, the event halls, the street festivals to get back to doing what we love soon enough this summer.

hog roast Dengie We’ve kept going throughout the past year, although in a far reduced capacity as we have to keep to strict government guidelines and proper safety precautions – all of which we have taken very seriously. Hog Roast Dengie has still kept our brilliant foods going through various sage services – our gourmet food delivery, safe catering to businesses, smaller outdoor events, and of course our hired services like lending out our fantastic hog and spit roasters to customers all throughout the country. But we still miss the joy of being able to feed huge parties, weddings, great celebrations with many happy guests to feed. That is what Hog Roast Dengie has always been about – great food to lots of great people on their special days.

It has been difficult not being able to see each other so much; to sit amongst peers, friends and family and savour upon the memorable moments of live events and celebrations. But we’ll meet again, soon enough. And when we do we’ll have a whole range of exquisite foods for you to feast upon again. Our chefs, servers, and of course our hog roasts themselves are still ready and waiting for that great day in June when we can all come together again and just simply enjoy each other’s company and some truly great foods.

We’re chomping at the bit to get back to proper event catering, but until then we can still give you a little slice of Hog Roast Dengie goodness through our private food delivery and safe hired services. So call today!